Friday, October 10, 2008

Talk On Line With Rotary Immediate Past President

“A YEAR OF SHARING”Participate in an on-line discussion with Immediate Past Rotary International President Wilf Wilkinson

Here is your chance to get "up close and personal" with immediate past RI President Wilf Wilkinson in an on-line discussion in the International Computer Users Fellowship of Rotarians (“ICUFR”) Community Forum to discuss Wilf's “Year of Sharng” and other Rotary topics.
Fresh from "A Year of Sharing" as he traveled the Rotary world as our President, Wilf Wilkinson will again be sharing his thoughts in response to your questions. The ICUFR has generously agreed to once again make its “Community Forums” Internet site available so that Rotarians around the world can get their questions answered by one of the most knowledgeable Rotarians. Past President Wilkinson, who currently serves as Chairman of the "Reach Out to Africa Ad-Hoc Committee" and as a National Advisor for PolioPlus, will next year begin another four year term as a Foundation Trustee.
The on-line discussion with Past President Wilkinson will take place over a 51 hour period beginning at 6:00 P.M., EDT, on Wednesday, October 22nd and ending at 9:00 P.M. EDT on Friday, Friday, October 24, 2008. This informative discussion, in response to your questions, with Past President Wilkinson will take place at the web site http// (Please note the “www2" in the address.)
To ask Past President Wilkinson questions and to participate in the discussion, Rotarians must register in the ICUFR Community Forum. To do that, go to the website and when asked to enter information beside the "D:", enter your district number. Once in the Community Forum, click on ‘Register’ at the top section of the opening page of the Community Forums (http// . A ‘Terms’ page will next appear and, once you accept the terms, you will automatically go to the ‘Registration’ page. Please complete all ‘required’ information. When you register, please make sure you make a personal, private record of the ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ you decide to use when registering in the Community Forums. It will be necessary to add your club name and district, and additional information in the profile, if you wish.
After you “register”, you will receive a confirming email from an ICUFR volunteer confirming your registration. After receiving the confirming email, you must post messages and participate in other services on the web site. Registering for the Community Forums carries no obligation, and you will not be placed on an email list as a result of registering.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously registered in the ICUFR Forum, you do not need to do so again. Just enter your district number at the "D:", and log in by entering your “User name” and “password.”
You also may enter the Forum as a ‘guest’ and read the discussion in the Community Forum but you will not be able to ‘post’ without registering.
We suggest you go to the ICUFR’s Community Forums now, register (unless you already have done so) and then look around for a while to get a ‘feel’ for the Community Forums. Post a message or two in any of the sections and topics, make some friends, and be ready for the discussion with Past President Wilf Wilkinson. On Wednesday, October 22nd, on or after 6:00 P..M. EDT, you can log into the ICUFR’s Community Forums, and be ready to go. Scroll down to ‘Guest Speakers Q&A Discussions’, click on ‘Q & A Sessions’ and then click on ‘Discussion with Past President Wilf Wilkinson”. Then fire away with your questions.

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